Tuesday 28 November 2017

Bill and Mark!

Hello family! 

This week I have really seen faith overcome the Adversary, and I am so glad for that! 

Last Tuesday we had a lesson with Brother Toliseli, it went really well! Sister Polaulu is such a pro :) we worked out in companionship study how we were going to teach in English and Tongan. Brother Toliseli speaks and understands English but it doesn't quite click the same and we really wanted to make sure he felt the spirit and understood what was being taught. So, we kinda planned out what she would teach and where she would pass it off to me. She would say a key word and then turn and nod at me and that meant it was my turn haha, it worked out really well actually and he accepted a baptismal date to work towards! December 23rd, what better gift to give the Savior than a willing  and repentant heart! 

Wednesday we had a lesson with Mattie. Every week I am just blown away by her sincere, steadfast testimony of the Gospel! I sure do love her a lot! She never ceases to amaze me.

In the afternoon, we felt prompted to stop by 2 former investigators; Skyhler, and... DICE! Yes, the rumours are true, Dice is back! We are hoping they will be able to progress as we follow the Spirit and focus on their needs. 

 Thursday was Thanksgiving, yay! We were with the Toliseli family, and Bill came too! Mark was also supposed to come but was unable last minute :/ it was really good! And I think Sister Polaulu like the mix of traditional thanksgiving food and Tongan food :D 

Later in the evening we stopped by our friend Jeremy, who was baptised in June. I sure do miss having him around and we are doing all we can to have him around more, prayers on his behalf would be appreciated :) 

Friday, we were supposed to go over to Bill and Mark's with Brother Patrick to practise for the baptism, but something came up with Bill’s job so we couldn't. We decided we would just meet extra early at the church before the baptism.

Well Saturday night was the time of the baptism and at about 5:30 we were desperately trying to make sure the font was filling with warm water (it needed to be warm because of some of Mark's health concerns), but the water would only run warm for about 5 minutes. So every little bit we would have to turn off the water and let it heat up again. It was touch and go for a bit but eventually we got a full font of hot water! 

The next challenge on his wonderful evening was the program. I think 2 items on the program remained the same by the time the service was over Haha! Last minute fall throughs and unfortunate events led to many last minute changes, but we were blessed to have willing people step in and help out! 

Then it was time for the baptism itself! It took a couple tries, but hey sometimes that happens. After Mark was baptised he said, "thank you sister Holt for making sure the water is warm!" Haha, that made me smile. 

They really have both changed so much over these past couple months! So much light and optimism! They know that they are getting a fresh start. 

The next morning was their confirmation and an emergency came up and they were late to sacrament meeting so they were confirmed in the middle of the speakers; I thought it provided for a great little interlude to the meeting :) 

My favourite part of teaching someone who is baptised is being there when they receive the gift of the Holy Ghost! I love being able to hear a little glimpse of what God has in store for them! I am amazed at the awesome potential that every single one of Heavenly Father’s children have, no matter what age, no matter who they were before, or what they did! 

I know that repentance is real. I know that people can change and become who God would have them be through Christ! I am grateful for clean slates and second chances...and third chances... and sometimes fourth chances. Something I have been talking about a lot with people we teach is that if you fall down 1,000 times but you get back up 1,001 times, God only going to care about that 1 more time that you got up and decided to try again! Repentance is such a joyful choice! 

The Church is true! I love you dearly! 

Sister Holt 

Monday 20 November 2017

One Lucky Girl!

Hello family!! 

This week has been wonderful as always, the work is stabilizing, getting to a comfortable and yet engaging pace... so naturally I'm trying to figure out ways I can stop that from happening haha. Something I remember my friend Emma telling me at the beginning of her mission was that there is no comfort in a growth zone and there is no growth in a comfort zone. We will see what God and I can come up with this week to shake things up haha.

Monday night we found 2 new investigators, Hector and Michael. We have had return appointments with both and I see a lot of potential with them! I'm excited to continue to meet with them :) 

Tuesday we had lessons with Alyssa, Vaiola, Bill, and Mark. Vaiola also came to the Relief Society service project with us, and Maria, one of the people we are teaching, came as well. 

Wednesday we taught Mattie the Plan of Salvation as part of her new missionary lessons. It was a really wonderful, powerful lesson. I love it when I am able to teach by the Spirit in such a way that I say things I didn't even know I knew haha, that's what this lesson was like. Something amazing happens when you recognize Heavenly Father work through you for the salvation of one of His children. Mattie really is so special, I am so blessed to be able to know her! She is growing so strong in her knowledge and conviction of the Gospel and love for the scriptures and Heavenly Father. 

Thursday, we had Zone Conference which was so needed, as always. What really hit me was the discussion of faith. Faith is a power that makes things happen that need to happen. Sometimes I leave the miracle of conversion entirely up to the investigator thinking, well all I can do is invite... which is true to a certain degree. But when I think of King Mosiah' s faith... that was converting faith! It was because of his faith, not his sons' or Alma's, but his faith, that they had that remarkable experience of being called to repentance and changing their hearts. 

I love everything about being a missionary, the ups and the downs. I have never learned so much about the Gospel, life and myself as I have these past 15 months. 

Also I'm super lucky because I have had the honour of serving with an amazing sister for almost 3 months now. It is a real blessing to be able to spend everyday teaching and learning with sister Polaulu. She really is one of my very best friends and I am grateful 😊

On Saturday we got to go to the Family History center with Bill and Mark! Bill really liked it! I think we will be going back :) they are very excited for their baptisms this Saturday! And so am I! Later we also went to a ward dinner with them. 

Sunday... no one came to church unfortunately :( Bill and Mark had a friend have an emergency they needed to attend to so, we missed them. 

After church we saw Maria, Alex and the Toliselis though :) we kinda had a break through with brother Toliseli, thanks to Sister Polaulu! She followed the Spirit like a pro and taught a little bit right to him in Tongan. We will be meeting with him one on one now as well as with the family! 

I know this is the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ! I love sharing it with everyone who will listen! 

I love you all like crazy, 
Sister Holt 

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Fresh Start!


 This week has been really great! We've kind of been turning over a new leaf in our area. We had a lot of investigators that were really great but not really moving forward... so we got to find this week! It was great :) we found 3 new investigators, Melvin, Pancho, and Salvador. 

 Last Monday we went bowling with the district. It was a lot of fun! Then afterwards we went and played baseball and soccer baseball with the rest of the zone.

 We got to do some family history work with Mattie on Wednesday. We started getting some names ready for her to take to the temple. Next week she should be getting her recommend and then we can plan a trip to LA!

We also met with Bill and Mark a couple times this week. We went over the baptismal interview questions with them, they are progressing well to get ready for their baptism on the 25th! They both really changed a lot and its been wonderful to see that change take place.

This week we also had the opportunity to meet with some member families in our ward. One of the families was the Christensens. Brother Christensen is my dad's second cousin! Who knew? Well actually I guess it is to be expected since he is from Southern Alberta! Haha 

We shared the new Restoration video with them and then discussed what blessings have come into their lives as a result of this event. There was no shortage of answers, that's for sure! We then talked about how some people don't know about this and therefore do not enjoy those same blessings. We encouraged them to pray about someone they can share this message with so they can receive those same blessings in their lives. 

Also, a miracle that happened this week, someone we have been teaching has been working on quitting smoking and they did!!! We are so excited for them, God really is so good. They said that what made the difference was what they were praying for. They stopped praying to make something happen and instead prayed for understanding and acceptance. It was such a miracle and we are so excited to see this person progress! 

We had 4 investigators at church this week! Bill and Mark came, as well as brother Toliseli and Maria. The theme for sacrament meeting and Relief Society was missionary work, so that was nice! 

After church, we got to meet with Melvin, one of our new investigators, and go to family home evening with the Toliseli's first, then with Mattie at the Bon family's home. 

I sure am grateful for every single moment I have been given to serve the Lord. I love Him, and I love the plan and Gospel He has created and provided for us so we can feel joy, happiness, and love! 

The Church is true!
Sister Holt 

Ps I've been here so long the dog had puppies again! 

Tuesday 7 November 2017


Happy Halloween everyone! 

Hope everyone stayed safe and had a fun time 😁

We stayed in and in-putted some teaching records onto our phones! It was just about as fun as it sounds haha but it was good! 

Last Wednesday we had a great lesson with Mattie, she is just on fire. It is so amazing to see the difference the gift of holy ghost makes in people's lives! God is so good. 

Another really awesome thing happened on Wednesday! After district meeting,  2 Spanish elders approached us and said a guy had flagged them down on their bikes when they were on their way to the church and had requested missionaries to visit him! We weren't able to get a hold of him til the evening after, but his name is Anthony and he is so cool. We taught him the Restoration and he accepted the invitation to be baptized! He also came to church with us on Sunday and got a blessing to help him with some physical therapy he is starting. 

Thursday morning we also did service again for Mark. At our lesson with Bill and Mark on Saturday they decided who they want to baptize them and everything so they are progressing towards baptism well 😁

Friday evening we had our "Meet the Mormons" movie night at the church for investigators, members, and potentials. Didn't have quite the turn out we had hoped but at least people came! So that is an improvement from the last finding activity we tried haha. Bill and Mark came and the Lakewood 3rd elders had some people come as well and we had a few members so they were able to fellowship, which was good 😊

Sunday night we had another FHE with the Toliseli family and it was great! We watched the Restoration video and then talked about what they felt as they watched Joseph's vision. 

Today we are going bowling so I'm super excited! 

I love you lots! The church is true! 

Love, sister Holt